SOSC 1009- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 30 pages long!)

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Ideology is about how you view and see the world: 2 ideologies of the world: the free world and communist. Daniel bell: the end of ideology : modernity, argues that ideology is a concept of the past that , ideologies are not facts. Things that were commonly seen as taboo have become seemingly normal in today"s society* Parliamentary (legislative and executive must work together) - Presidential (president is separate from congress) - usa different areas/orders of gov"n) government) Requirements to have a seat in the senate: appointed, minimum ownership of property, The american senate is elected, every state has 2 senates (100 for the whole country: senators have the same power, democratic, 6 years. Us house of representatives: members are elected to two year terms. Anthropologist: made generalizations on all indigenous people, they were seen as how holmberg saw people only got one side of the story/perspective. Ideology & history (week 3 sept 28)