SOSC 1000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Definable Set, Mercantilism, Free Market

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The recent realization that many of our assumptions about. Native american life may be incorrect because most of our observations of their cultures were made while these peoples were under great duress. The notion that our assumptions about native american life may be inccorect because native americans were under duress of outside events (i. e. war) when they and their culture were observed. Allan r. holmberg: lived among the sirion (indians/ aboriginals, published a book, it became one of the main sources for the outsides world"s image of south american indians. Quintessence of man in the raw state of nature impoverished people on earth. Before columbus, holmberg believed, both the people and the land had no real history. Drew conclusions that they are culturally backwards. Said that they are useless and represents all of native americans. Implicitly depicted indians as people who never changed their environment from its original wild state: because history is change, they were people without history.