SOCI 2060 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Behaviorism, Wilhelm Wundt, Georg Simmel

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Document Summary

Social psychology is the scientific investigation of how people"s thoughts, feelings and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others. The distinct feel that looks at the relationships between people. Thoughts, feelings and behaviors actual implied or imagine presence of others. Two aspects of the individual inner life (thoughts, feelings and other mental processes; things we cant see but others tell us about) outer life (behaviors and performances; things we can observe for ourselves) Social psychology an intellectual project sustained effort by thinkers to understand some piece or phenomenon in the world around us. It was built up or constructed over time. Social psychology is an intellectual project built up by psychologists and sociologists to understand human inner and outer life. Consciousness the state of being aware of the mind by itself and the world, awareness or perception of something by a person and the state of being aware of current surroundings.