SOCI 2030 Study Guide - Final Guide: Grou, Central Tendency, Sitcom

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Exam: clh a, multiple choice (25%), short answer (30%-8q), long answer (45%-3q, chapters 5-15, chapter 11- only the analyses taught in class will be included (no regression, no z-tests, lectures by guest speaker. Focus on : the advantages and disadvantages of surveys, experiments, interviews, filed research, etc, the difference between quantitative (deductive) and qualitative (inductive, sampling, probability sampling to generalize the findings to a larger group, measures of central tendency and dispersion. Qualitative interviews: specific topics, example: body images among gay, lesbian, bisexual person. In depth knowledge: subject gated knowledge from marginalized persons, open ended questions, questions in qualitative interviews, open, probing, theory-driven. In a qualitative study the more the better. In a_____, typically 12-15 people are brought together to engage in a guided discussion on some topic: b, focus grou. Advantages of a focus group: more effective get info from more people in less time, less cost.