SOCI 1010 Study Guide - Final Guide: Participant Observation, Consumerism, Talcott Parsons

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Assess both the opportunities/ constraints in our lives. Society is created by us and created for us by others. Sociology: the systematic study of human society and social interaction . Our worlds are created for us by others as well as being created by us: structure, agency. Society: large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority. Global interdependence: relationship which lives of people are connected and one nation"s problems are a part of a larger global problem. Race: specifications of groups of people distinguished by phsyicaly characteristics such as skin colour. Ethnicity: a cultural heritage or identity of a group and is based on factors such as a language/ country of origin. Class: a relative location of a person/group within a large society, based on wealth, power, prestige. Sex: the biological and anatomical differences between males and females. Gender: the meaning beliefs and practises associated with sex differences.