PSYC 3430 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation, Group Cohesiveness, Structural Cohesion

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Gathering together of individuals in one location, more likely in some situations, less likely in others. Joining groups that happen to be close by: familiarity principle: show preference for the familiar rather than unknown, proximity increases interaction between people, which cultivates attraction. Interchange compatibility: when group members have similar expectations about the group"s intimacy, control and inclusiveness: originator compatibility: when people have dissimilar but complementary needs with regard to expressing and receiving control, inclusion and affection, reciprocity principle. High cohesion is a sign of a healthy group, more likely to prosper. Social cohesion: attraction of members to one another and to the group as a whole. Interpersonal attraction: total forces which act on members to remain in the group, group-level attraction. Liking for the group rather than specific individuals within the group: friendship among members tends to increase liking for the group as a whole, social attraction.