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Introduction: spielrein"s drive conflict theory : reproduction was both destructive and creative; destructive of an individual"s identity but creative for the continuance of the species. No change can take place without destruction of the former identity condition. While reproduction created a new generation, it also destroyed the original identity of both the male and female. Interweaving idea of sacrifice, compromising both love and death. The individual must strongly hunger for this new creation in order to place its own destruction in creations service. Reproduction predominated over survival, since the singular aims of the individual did not always harmonize with the collective aims of production. Countertransference : feelings the analyst has for the patient that are displacements: anima : the archetype of the feminine" aspects of men, a scholar"s opinion on spielrein : bruno bettelheim (psychologist and. Two prominent historians of psychoanalysis; appignanesi and forrester agree with.