PSYC 2120 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Emotional Contagion, Minority Influence, Social Rejection

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Social influence - the effects of other people on an individual"s beliefs, attitudes, values, or behavior. Chameleon effect - the tendency to mimic unconsciously the nonverbal mannerisms of someone with whom you are interacting. Social learning - the capacity to learn from observing others. Descriptive norm - a belief about what most people typically do. Injunctive norm - a belief about what behaviors are generally approved of or disapproved of in one"s culture. Social contagion - the phenomenon whereby ideas, feelings, and behaviors seem to spread across people like wildfire. Conformity - the phenomenon whereby an individual alters his or her beliefs, attitudes, or behavior to bring them in accordance with those of a majority. Private acceptance - conforming by altering private beliefs as well as public behavior. Informational influence - occurs when we use others as a source of information about the world. Public compliance - conforming only outwardly to fit in with a group without changing private beliefs.