PSYC 2120 Study Guide - Final Guide: Classical Conditioning, Psychopathology, Operant Conditioning

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Pavlov"s classical conditioning and skinner"s operant conditioning theories provided the foundation for a view of psychology known a behaviourism. First consideration: the task of theory construction. Developing a comprehensive scientific theory of personality is no easy feat. it is instructive to see both the achievements and the limitations of past efforts. Despite whatever limits it may possess, behaviourism gave rise to therapeutic methods of unquestioned practical value. Third consideration: behavior is anticipated some of psychology"s contemporary trends, with current researchers who may not label themselves behaviourists nonetheless exploring behaviouristic themes. Social psychologists study how environmental stimuli control our actions and how people"s intuitions about the conscious self-control of behaviour may be illusory two main behaviouristic themes. The most interesting thing about machines is that people have created the machine in their own image- b. f. skinner. Viewing persons as machinelike has a major implication: it is the second important feature of behaviourism view of the person.