PSYC 2110 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Plantar Reflex, Moro Reflex, Anatomical Terms Of Location

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Adapt fairly quickly to their enviroment. Involuntary responses that happen at birth. Reflexes that help ensure the survival of the baby. Babinski reflex- babys big toe curves up and other toes fan and curl. Babkin or palmar reflex- baby opens mouth, closes eyes and moves head to midline position. Palmar grasp- baby grasps finger or object. Stepping reflex- baby makes rhythmic stepping movements. By the end of their first year. 8- 9 hours infants eyes are closed and body is completely still. Respiration is slow and regular. Baby"s face is relaxed , with no grimacing and eyelids are still. Baby eyes are closed, but baby engages in gentle limb movements of various sorts, writhing and general stirring. Grimaces and other facial expressions are frequent. Rem sleep ( rapid eye movement). 50% experienced by infants and 20% by adults. This activity is absent in the non rem sleep. apparently healthy infant under 1. Basic angry pain.