[PSYC 2110] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (18 pages long!)

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Document Summary

Body constantly changing between infancy and childhood. Height and weight rapidly increase over the first two years. Growth become more gradual across middle childhood. Shape of body and proportion change because various body parts grow at different rates. Physical development follows cephalocaudal and proximodistal direction. Skeletal and muscle development parallel changes occurring height and weight. Bones complete growth and development in late teens. Muscle increases in size and density during growth spurt of adolescence. Physical growth is asynchronous: brain, reproductive system and lymph tissue mature at different rates. Individual and cultural variations in physical growth and development. Brain growth spurt during the last 3 months of prenatal period and first 2 years of life. Many more synapses and neurons are formed than what is needed: those used often will survive, those less used will die or lose synapse and stand in reserve to compensate for brain injury.