[PSYC 2030] - Final Exam Guide - Ultimate 35 pages long Study Guide!

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3 non cumulative test with mc and short answers any material covered in. Assignments and test are one week to each other in march. Test 1 and 2 are worth 30% because they are harder. A logical national process of avoiding one(cid:495)s preconceptions by gathering data and evaluating evidence and alternative interpretations. Facts change overtime, what is perceived and true or correct may change in another time . Critical thinking does not come naturally it is going to develop with experience. It does not teach facts and information but it teaches you to think about that information and test its merit. Experimental research (chapter 4) modified text and 5 unmodified. This is where the experimenter varies one or more variables while holding others constant. All of these methods of research method have their advantages and disadvantages, the researcher has to juggle to find the ideal method.