PSYC 2021- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 53 pages long!)

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Broad definition- set of mathematical procedures for organizing, summarizing and interpreting information. ** intelligence in this case is a hypothetical thing. Operational definition- define the operations and procedures used to measure the construct. A researcher is considering a theoretical thing but has to come with a way to quantify it. Population -set of all individuals of interest in a study. (e. g. Parameter- a value, usually numerical, that describes a population (e. g, the average iq score of all students at canadian universities) Sample- (subset of the population) - a set of individuals randomly picked from a population to represent that population in a research study. A value, usually numerical, that describes a sample. (the average iq score of all students in the sample) Research question>>> look at a particular population>>> population is too large to study >> take a subset of the population (sample)>>>average of the sample ( statistics) >>> use data to make inferences about population.