PSYC 1010 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Moodle, Wilhelm Wundt, Operational Definition

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PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
PSYC 1010 Full Course Notes
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Document Summary

You will be tested on module 1, 2, 3, 40, 41, and 42, as well as video #14 (the mind. You are responsible for any material in those modules, whether i lectured on it or not. You are also responsible for anything i lectured on in class. Lecture notes taken by tas, are posted on moodle, but these notes should not be considered a substitute for coming to class. I do not choose questions with the intention of tricking you, and i tend to ask questions about more general concepts rather than picky details . Pay particular attention to concepts that are bold-faced or italicized in your text. Be sure that you understand the material rather than just memorize it. I will never ask you any dates and i don"t expect you to recall the names of all of the researchers mentioned and what they investigated.