POLS 3190 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Hawthorne Effect, Hawthorne Works, My5

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Short answer questions: six (6) of the following questions will be on exam and you will be asked to answer four (4) of them. You are not required to write your answers in an essay format. However, you should coherently organize your answers and put them into proper sentences and paragraphs. 1- explain the difference between public and private goods and elaborate on the differences between public administration and private administration. Their every move from hiring, firing, policies, are open to public scrutiny. But private sector has the freedom to hire and fire whomever is good for the company: public and private goods, public goods are goods which the public sector supplies. A public good is something that does not diminish regardless of the amount it is used. An example of this is street lamps, or national defence. Private goods and services are things which, if consumed, are no longer available to others such as food.