POLS 3135- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 14 pages long!)

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Week 1 - law, politics, and the state. Relationship between state and society in determining laws. Legitimacy of the law - made by parliamentarians - legitimacy is the foundation of the law. Law should be obeyed and respected - bene cial for everyone. If it is forced upon us and we are not involved in the process of making those laws, whether directly or indirectly, those laws arguably have no legitimacy. Legitimacy of those who govern is a product of democratic institutions - lawmakers are elected, therefore laws are legitimate and should be followed by citizens. Prior, every time we wanted to modify the constitution, it had to go through british parliament. Prior to 1949, highest court of canada was the in britain. Constitutional conventions - not written at all; based on customs and traditions - inherited from britain. Statute law - laws made by the legislators.