POLS 2940 Study Guide - Final Guide: Government Spending, Economic Globalization, Government Cut

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1 analysis the relationship between neoliberalism and poverty, related to lecture of jan10th. How it produces inequality and the structural of adjustments and the neoliberalism state development. The relationship between neo-liberalism and poverty is inseparably. Neoliberals believe that governments should minimize their involvement in economic planning, reducing the trade barriers would benefits all parties. Government spending on helping the poor is counterproductive. Neoliberalism needed poverty because wealth cannot be accumulated in one place without it being taken from someplace else. In other words, when neoliberalism becomes a globalized phenomenon, it generates poverty on a global scale. For instance, walmart needs to create more poverty to grow. Neoliberalism produces inequality, liberals believe in natural inequalities, value is about money. Thatcher era, neoliberals came to power, they creates massive deregulation among the industries, state industries are privatized, thatcher spending more money on military than other government programs, thus, neoliberals reforms the capitalist state.