PHIL 1100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Shelly Kagan, Epicurus, Fertility Clinic

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Epicurus believes we should not fear our own death. In this paper, i defend that claim by explaining how death removes us from harm and how we should not worry about posthumous non-existence. However, others argue that death is a bad thing because a lack of life is inherently bad as we associate pleasures and happiness with life. However, being dead is not necessarily bad for the person that is dead because no one is deprived of pleasures when they are dead. The word death is used in a very ambiguous way, being an umbrella term to describe dying, being dead and the moment of death. For the sake of clarity, it is worth distinguishing the three concepts (rosenbaum 174). Dying is the process that takes place at the end of one"s lifetime. Being dead is the cessation of living and state of nonexistence.