NATS 1945 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Kuiper Belt, Oort Cloud, Gravitational Lens

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To prepare for the test on this lesson, answer the questions below. Most of the answers can be found in the lectures, the rest from your textbook. Answers that are found exclusively in the textbook are indicated: the birth of the solar system, explain how the sun and its planets were formed. A star is born from a spinning, collapsing gas cloud. What is the current theory for the origin of earth"s. Oort cloud: a spherical shell of icy debris beyond kuiper belt (the remnants of collisions; home of long-period comets) Drakes equation predicts intelligent life outside earth. Dark matter is material that has gravity but is not visible in light: galaxies: gravitationally-bound systems of stars and gas. Galaxies come in different sizes (containing millions to billions of stars) and shapes (spiral, elliptical, irregular: the milky way: a giant spiral galaxy containing hundreds of billions of stars (includes sun)