NATS 1945- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 42 pages long!)

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If ke goes up so does the speed. Energy from natural gas: natural gas: gas mixture deep underground; releases energy when burned, ng is a carbon-based mixture produced from decayed organisms that are left deep underground for millions of years. If fossil fuel is consumed at the current rate, then our remaining reserves of ng will last us for maybe a decade or so longer than oil. Energy from coal: fossil fuel is a source of energy derived from decayed organisms. Converting heat energy into mechanical energy: fossil fuel is burned, and its ce is released in the form of heat which is used to boil water, which produced steam. The steam is then confined so that it flows at high pressure enabling it to make things move. Nuclear power: nuclear energy is released from breaking apart of atomic nuclei (comes from uranium and plutonium, nu(cid:272)lear e(cid:374)ergy refers to the e(cid:374)ergy that"s released whe(cid:374) the (cid:272)ore of a(cid:374) ato(cid:373) (its.