[NATS 1880] - Final Exam Guide - Everything you need to know! (25 pages long)

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Chapter 6: the origin and evolution of life on earth: the layered colonies of microbes found in western australia that resemble some of the living stromatolites. Chapter 6: the origin and evolution of life on earth: one theory for the origin of life suggests that the earth and life were created by some omnipotent being. This is referred to as: panspermia, naturism, chemical evolution intelligent design, one theory for the origin of life suggests that life was transported to earth in meteorites. This is referred to as: naturism, panspermia, chemical evolution intelligent design, one theory for the origin of life suggests that life formed spontaneously from intelligent design increasingly complex chemical reactions on the earth. Tertiary periods of earth"s history: approximately how long ago did the dinosaurs suddenly become extinct, 6 million years ago, 65 million years ago, 245 million years ago, 10,000 years ago.