NATS 1775 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Stirrup, Fallen Angel, Trans-Cultural Diffusion

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The term dark ages is problematic for 2 reasons: A) although both natural philosophy and the technical arts were on the decline in. Europe during the early medieval period, the same was not true in other parts of the world (islamic world, and china) China was in a golden age of technological development. Islamic world was considered to be the heir to greek science, math, medicine, astronomy, astrology, alchemy, and logic. B) in the later medieval period, both natural philosophy and the technical arts gained importance in europe as well. The early rise of christianity was accompanied, in many cases, by the banning of much of the work of natural philosophers like plato and aristotle. Natural philosophers were often seen as heretics because their ideas did not center around religious explanations for understanding the universe. More and more lost greek works began to become uncovered during this time period (13th century)