NATS 1760 Study Guide - Housefly, Moral Authority, Rachel Carson

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Reviewing theories of the universe: aristotle and the homocentric universe. Human beings at the centre of the universe: copernicus and the shift to heloiocentrism. Sun occupies the centre: galileo and the infinite universe the. Humans occupy marginal space in the universe. New cosmology: the island universe and the place of the earth, expansion versus stasis, the universe, the past and the future. Stars moving away from us will have their life shifted to the red end of the spectrum. Galaxies are moving away from the centre of the universe. Billion years ago there was a big bang, an explosion that gave way to the earth, cosmos formed. Question of the place of human beings in the universe. Environmentalism: the beginnings of modern western environmentalism, rachel carson. Youngest child of mother who had deep respect for nature and the wilderness. Began lifelong fascination with the ocean and the water. Changed to biology, masters degree in genetics.