NATS 1760 Study Guide - Industrial Revolution, Eugenics, Scopes Trial

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Darwinism and the godless system: natural selection and the problem of god, responses to darwin"s theory. Threatens religion because of notion of design. Once you get a theory, you have to ask what the position of god is in the univerese. Problem of evil: if you have evil in the world, why would god create this. The role god plays in the world. Darwin"s idea of extinction goes against god. Incompatible rationale of benevolent god, but why would god create species in order for them to go extinct. Agnostic: cannot make a decsion about the existence of god. Darwin ends up being agnostic in parts of his life. Scientific naturalism: only explanation that science can use are naturalist explanations. Science is science, discussions of god should be separate. Problem of god is not problem of science. Can take laws of science but suggest that god created those law.