NATS 1745 Study Guide - Final Guide: Dailymotion, Almagest, Retrograde And Prograde Motion

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The muslim scholars were so impressed with ptolemy"s book they referred to it as. Most stars never had greek names when originally named. The arabic texts were soon used as the basis of translation for western society, where the. Arabic depictions were used: what led to the reappearance of the ancient greek texts in europe after the 12th. Contact between christian and islamic scholars in muslim spain led to latin translations of the. Columbus damaged ship ended up on the coast of jamaica where the natives refused to provide columbus with food. Using regiomontanus" epherimides, the book predicted an eclipse of the moon in the next few days. The medieval church adopted the aristotelian-ptolemaic cosmology. Regiomontanus translated the almagest into latin: describe (briefly) buridan"s correct explanation for why an arrow will hit you on the head whether earth is moving or not.