[NATS 1730] - Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (17 pages long!)

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Lysenkoism: a school of thought proposed by trofim lysenko (1898-1976). Trofim lysenko: botanist, a scientist, proposed a school of thought on how evolution takes place. You can change the direction of evolution by will. If you really want to have something, you"ll pass those desires in your generation. He took animals and deformed them and he kept doing that and recorded that he proven his theory. Russia decided to fight along with the u. s. against germany. Germany was hellbent to have a master race: german -> darwin. Lysenko found ways to put his theories into parliament. It was a federal offence to be against this even though he was completely wrong! Scientists held their breath in russia -> you"d be put into labor camps where you would have probably died. Lysenkoism used to be the explanation of genetics but now it means: when you legislate a scientific thought and how you can"t go against it.