NATS 1700 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Sentience, Eye Strain, Heredity

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I have not had the time to check these notes, but am providing them as a hopeful aid to those of you who wish to use them: levine. Nats1700b fall 2019 test 1 study guide. *technology can also be identified with a process, procedure, method or system. The intention for the perceived bene t of the individual. Environment = the basis/ context for all ideas = determines success/ failure. The elements of an environment must have an impact on: The ability to think (create a thought or idea); To imagine (create an image or picture of the thought or idea) To be creative or manipulate or change the thought or idea and corresponding image into a new thought and image. 3 types of bene ts: individual: bene ts that include an individual, societal: bene ts that include 2+ individuals/ geographical area, global: effects every individual on the face of the earth.