NATS 1670 Study Guide - Herd Immunity, Measles, Microorganism

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Exposure to sub-clinical infections (ex: chicken pox party being exposed later in life is dangerous and can be fatal) Attenuated organisms/killed organisms sub cellular (dead or attenuated pathogens that do not actually give you the disease, only helps resist it in the future) Live attenuated vaccines: when making attenuated vaccines, the aim is to make live attenuated vaccines. This is done through attenuation from the host parent cell: live: with an ability to replicate in host cells. The host parent cell goes into the human cell. The host parent cell goes into an animal cell (over and over until attenuated) The receptors of the two cells are different the attenuated outline fits well with animal cells but is difficult to effectively link with human cells. Can still be forced into human cells, but is good because it will be harder to get disease. An adapted microbe can live better in its new host cells.