NATS 1575 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Malaria, Uterus, Gyrus

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Can we gain knowledge of human bodies by dissecting humans . Identified the differences between arteries, veins, and sensory nerves. Named the: sulci & gyri, cerebellum & cerebrum, ovum etc. Gained knowledge about anatomy & physiology: a physician to the gladiators, through dissection & vivisection of animals. He had many errors, yet remained the authority until 1500s. Allowed 1 dissection a year; must be male, criminal and receive proper burial. Doctors did not open the bodies, physicians would look inside. Liver actually has 2 lobes not 5 but they believed the body was wrong, not the book. Uterus has a flat top and did not look like horns, so the female body must be wrong. People did not want to believe galen was wrong. Only 1 important book the corpse (corpse means book) * Argued for direct study and detailed documentation of the human body. Provides the foundation for modern inquiry into anatomy and physiology.