NATS 1570 Study Guide - Final Guide: Heliosphere, Solar Wind, Cno Cycle

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It has an intrinsic brightness of 4. 83 on the magnitude scale (for this scale -1 star is brighter than +1). The sun and most other stars are made up of 90% hydrogen atoms (h), and about 10% helium (he) atoms, with small traces of other material. The radius of the sun is about 700,000 km. The sun is also a g2v spectral type. The sun is made up of several layers. From the inside out these are the core, radiative zone, convective zone, photosphere, chromosphere and corona. These layers seem to be present in most stars, though the radiative and convective zone may not always be in the same order in different sizes of star. As you move outer through the layers both the temperature and the density decrease drastically. It is in the core that the process of fusion takes place. It is the hottest and densest part of the star.