NATS 1560 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Offal, Broccoli, Large Intestine

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Quiz 1 study questions: modern science can be characterized as reductionist and experimental. Modern science: systematic study to obtain knowledge about the natural world and knowledge produced. To break all things down into its smalls elementary components, to then examine its properties and how they interact. Example: scientists studying the brain may start by studying the simplest component ( atoms) in relation to neurons and brain cells, identify how these components interact based on their given properties. Smallest unit having the properties of a given element. Molecules are formed by the combination of two or more atoms. Unlike atoms, molecules can be subdivided into individual atoms. A pure substance (raw material of living things) that cannot be broken down to another substance by ordinary chemical or physical techniques. A molecule containing atoms of two or more elements in proportions that are always the same.