MODR 1730- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 17 pages long!)

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Question of concept analysis & essay: 25% More information on the powerpoint posted on moodle. Basic forms of reasoning: uses and limits. P1: 97% of york"s faculty vote to go on strike. C: therefore nayla voted to go on strike. Inductive argument > comes from outside, to support the conclusion. Strong or weak, more evidence more stronger, less, vice versa. When you draw a comparison between 2 things. In light of new evidence, the conclusion is subject to change. You discover new fossils, but the fossils don"t explain anything > example. How do we know an argument is good: relevancy, needs to be relevant in order to support the conclusion, acceptable. Language must be non ambiguous a. b: vague, open to doubt d. Sufficiency: more evidence you have, more stronger. Example: don"t bring billy to the party, if you bring billy to the party, he will make it rain will make it rain.