MGMT 1000 Midterm: MGMT 1000 detailed midterms notes with panelists

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Stakeholders: the office of 2020, 10 crazy tech advances coming to offices by 2030, adopt the perspectives of key stakeholders, using multiple views to improve decision making, stakeholder perspectives: winning support for your projects. Knowledge economy: meeting the challenge of a knowledge economy, rationale for developing learning organizations, mechanization takes commands, learning and self-organization, the contingency approach. Sustainability: swot analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats, triple bottom line (social, economic, environmental impacts, balanced scorecard, destructive side of technological development. Corporate social responsibility and social entrepreneurship: linear thinking, vicious loops (destructive actions destructive actions, corporate social responsibility, social entrepreneur. Engaging customers: products, services & importance of quality: rules of one situation to reinvent another, developing new products and services, promote quality continuous learning as core values, new product development, product life cycle, perfection or burst. 1. 1 the office of 2020: why we need it yesterday.