MATH 1505 Study Guide - Final Guide: Cerebral Cortex, Reuptake, Theodosius Dobzhansky

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It speeds up to transmission of information. f. The neural impulse: using energy to send information: neural impulse the signal that moves through the neuron, all the study of the neuron done on a squids neuron (which is much bigger than a. Humans) by hodgkin and huxley: neuron at rest. The neuron at rest is a small battery, from the uneven ion charges from the fluid around it of sodium (na) and potassium (k). Milliseconds: all-or-none law neural impulses either fire or don"t fire. A faster rate of transmission means a stronger stimulus: the synapse. Synaptic cleft the gap between the terminal button of one neuron and the cell membrane of another neuron. The two membranes of the different neurons do not touch: neurotransmitters chemicals that transmit information from one neuron to another. Synaptic vesicles the body that neurotransmitters are transmitted across the gap in. Pre-synaptic neuron the neuron that sends the signal across the.