MATH 1090 Study Guide - Final Guide: Substring, Arity, Deduction Theorem

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Instructions: please read all of these instructions before you begin writing, duration 3 hours. Closed book: if you need more room please use the back of the ques- tion pages but if you do so, please mark each so used back page with the words please grade . Any other approach, even if correct, will get a maximum of 1 point. Boolean logic 1. (4 marks) prove that neither nor ( ) are well-formed boolean formulae. Proof: for : a formula is an expression that, it is the only string that is written in a line of some formula calculation. So this cannot be a formula, as it has no such a substring. Boolean logic 2. (4 marks) show that the complexity of a well-formed formula (i. e. , written with all the brackets that the syntax requires) is equal to the number of left brackets in the formula. A formula a is one of: atomic ((cid:62), , p).