KINE 4710 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Vagal Tone, Heart Rate Variability, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

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Topic one polyvagal theory and heart rate variability. Breathing is a movement that has the ability to alter neurophysiological functioning. It can either increase or decrease the heart rate. It can be used as a way to counteract stress and anxiety in a very low cost and efficient method. Mm focuses on reducing stress, anxiety, depression, improve brain function and physical health. Has found to be very effecting when combined with aerobic exercise. Mm can impact/improve neuroplasticity, meaning it can help make new connections within the brain, current functioning predicts future functioning. Brain regions right orbito frontal lobe, right thalamus, left inferior temporal lobe, right hippocampus: grant 2010. Brain regions right dorsal anterior cingulate cortex, secondary somatosensory cortex. Brain regions- left hippocampus posterior cingulate cortex, temporo parietal junction, cerebellum. The vagus nerve gets triggered when exhalation occurs to slow down breathing and induce relaxation via parasympathetic dominance. Porges created the polyvagal theory which was inspired by playing the clarinet.