KINE 4495 Study Guide - Final Guide: De Humani Corporis Fabrica, Sports Medicine, Physical Education Organization

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Document Summary

Diseases are ideas influenced by tastes and preoccupations of society. History of disease is related to culture and knowledge in time and place. Social history of looks at the nature of relationship between people over time and place: sufferer and observer, patient and physican. Medicine does not equal health or healthcare. Social history of western medicine: caution. Must question who is writing has a great impact on what is written and what gets constructed as legitimate history. Periodization of medicine: traditional (body was seen as taboo) More or less the same medicinal practices applied to patients in ancient times. Greeks and romans were more scientific in their approach than during dark ages (400-800 ad) Four elements in the blood: fire/air/water/earth. Each element produces a humor (blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile) Each humor leads to a particular temperament (jolly, slow, depressed, unpleasant) Renewed interest in the scientific study of medicine by ancient greeks and romans.