KINE 4475 Study Guide - Final Guide: Unequal Leg Length, Trendelenburg Gait, Hip

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Pain sensory experience evoked by stimuli that injure or threaten to destroy tissue, defined introspectively by every man as that which hurts. Harmful stimulus which signals current or impending tissue damage: 3. Pattern of responses which operate to protect the organism from harm. Survival value prevent pending or further injury. Pain injury relationship is generally linear but it"s not always the case (paper-cut), it"s highly variable and can be affected by sex, health anxiety and personality (elderly have lower pain threshold, and women have higher pain sensitivity) If is not met, person cannot walk. Abnormal walking ie walking aids, braces usually increase energy consumption. Can be caused by neural or musculoskeletal disorders. Trendelenburg gait- bending trunk towards side of supporting limb in stance phase to reduce forces in abductor and hip joint in single-leg stance best observed from front. Can be unilateral or bilateral: causes can be painful hip or hip abductor weakness.