KINE 4340 Study Guide - Final Guide: Scientific Management, Tim Hortons, O. J. Simpson

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Don"t write exam in point form notes, use full sentences. 5 marks are given for: (1) who is the theorist, (2) example from the book needs to be more than one line, (2) definition =5. Terms (3 terms): 5 marks each: alienation of labour, docile bodies, imperialism (thursdays exam might have maximizing output on it) Definition: according to marx/engles/robidoux, under capitalism, the proletariat must sell their labour to the bourgeoisie to survive. Their labour is a commodity; the surplus of their work is controlled by the bourgeoisie. The worker is separated, making the worker feel alienated as they feel no relationship to the work they do. They become detached from the fruits of our labour. Example (may be hard to get one from book). A tim hortons worker does not feel connected to their job, The book out of left field gives the example of an assembly line.