KINE 4020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Aromatic Amino Acids, B Vitamins, Enterocyte

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Have hydroxyl group on because metabolized by phenol ring, and can peripheral issues. Are hydrophobic and do not interact with water somewhat form hydrogen bonds with water. All can form salt bridges to interact with electrolytes and minerals, important for acid- *all neutral amino acids (everything except for 5 charged ones) have carboxy and amino that cancel out base balance and osmoic pressure. Iniiaion: assembly of ribosomal complex by bringing subunits to spot on mrna where chain should begin, catalyzed by iniiaion factors. Elongaion: codons are read by ribosomal complex, trna gathers necessary aa and carries them to site, then they are linked together to make polypepide. Terminaion: stop codon reaches complex and causes interrupion of translaion process, protein dissociates and proceeds to undergo further chemical, structural or spaial modiicaions necessary to become biologically acive: protein synthesis regulaion. Tight process by hormones that interact with nutrients to maintain protein turnover.