KINE 3635 Study Guide - Comprehensive Final Guide: Epidemiology Of Cancer, Asteroid Family, Sampling Bias

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Document Summary

We start with a population which does not have the outcome. From this population we select two groups, 1 which is exposed, 1 which is not exposed. Then we check to see the outcome. We calculated relative risk which was (a/a+b) [ risk of outcome in the exposed]/(c/c+d) [risk of the outcome in non-exposed] We start with a sample of people who already have the outcome another sample of people that does(cid:374)"t have the outcome. Then we ask both groups whether they have been exposed to certain risk factors, for the past couple of years. So we start with the outcomes and ask about previous exposure. On the two by two table: cases represents people who have the outcome we are interested in, controls represents people who do not have the outcome we are interested in. In case control studies we do not normally look at rate of exposure. Odds of exposure in controls = b/d.