KINE 3350- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 55 pages long!)

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Which affects: every tissue, every organ, every system. It happens in everybody they are inevitable, regardless of sex, race, ses: genes, genes account for 25% of longevity. If you live to 105 or 110 you are said to have good genes. Lifestyle: good nutrition, exercise, healthy lifestyle, changes will be less drastic, environment, older people lived through depression, world war, came from third world countries, the environment maybe has taken its toll on those people more so than others. Disorders (chronic diseases: prevalence, a lot of older people live with chronic diseases, they are irreversible and fatal; not going to get rid of osteoporosis, lung cancer, arthritis, high bp, diabetes, lung cancer. Proportion of diseased person in a country. Compression of morbidity want people living more years healthy and less with disease. 21st century: bridgepoint hospital, first hospital in canada that specializes in chronic disease, care and management of chronic diseases.