KINE 3020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Motor Learning, Free Throw, Motor Control

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Document Summary

Cognitive: know what or how to do something. Motor: quality of movement: by characteristics. Motor skills can be further classified, used for analyzing skills, seen as a continuum. Open: unpredictable, constantly changing, adapt movement pattern to new situation, absence of stereotyped movements (ex: team sports) Closed: stable, predictable, use stereotyped movements, little variability required, used more when first learning a sport then make it more open to make it harder (ex: walking on flat surface, dart throwing) Self-paced: performer sets pace (ex: dart throwing, bowling) Forced paced: set by outside stimulus (ex: team sports, boxing) Discrete: activity has recognizable beginning and end, one action (ex: lighting a match, kicking a ball) Continuous: no clear beginning and end, series of actions strung together, repeat same thing over and over (ex: swimming, running) Serial: several discrete actions put together (ex: gymnastics routine) basketball) Motor: doing it correctly, involves moving (ex: free throw in. Cognitive: knowing what to do, involves thinking (ex: chess)