KINE 3020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Binary Logarithm, Peripheral Vision, Standard Deviation

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Which statistic is representative of how good a fit the regression line is for a given data set such as lab 6 (speed accuracy study): r, standard deviation, t-value, f-value, r. What would their ae score be: 10, 5, 2. 5, 7, none of the above. In lab 6, students were placed in groups via a process known as matching. What is the significance of matching, and why does it aid in demonstrating significant differences between groups: the process of matching decreases variability between groups. Increasing variability between groups aids in demonstrating significant effects because this increases the standard deviation, and increases the t-value: the process of matching decreases variability between groups. The class was divided into two groups, with one group performing with the preferred hand first, and the non-preferred hand second. The other group performed the lab in the opposite order. Assume your task is to determine in which of the 16 boxes a ball, (black dot) is located.