[KINE 3020] - Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam (30 pages long!)

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Hierarchal processing is ascending levels of the central nervous system. Parallel distributed processing is the same signal being processed simultaneously among many different brain structures. Hierarchal and parallel happen in conjunction which occurs in perception action, and cognitive systems of movement control. Hierarchal is more concerned with more higher levels of the brain processing abstract info for example planning motor plans and specific strategies on how to accomplish a particular task. Lower levels of processing would then carry out detailed monitoring and regulation of response execution. Cognitive systems overlap when it comes to action and perception and both require higher level processing. In parallel processing the same signal is processed simultaneously among many different brain structures. Lowest level of perception/action hierarchy is spinal cord. Involved in initial reception and processing of somatosensory info (from muscles, joints, and skin) and reflex and voluntary control of posture and movement through motor neurons.