KINE 3020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Visual Cortex, Tectospinal Tract, Vestibulospinal Tract

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Vision helps guide our movements to 1) monitor body position and motion and 2) determine the goal of our movements- where we want to move. Receptors for vision located on the back of eyeball on the retina. Retina responds to photonic energy (light), energy goes through the eye into the back of the eye, the fovea. Concentration of receptors provide high resolution (clear image)= on the fovea. You need the oculomotor system to bring a target into focus (move eyes so that image falls on fovea) Fovea damage can make an image very blurry. There are two pathways from the retina. Image/ light goes through the optic nerves in each eye, these nerves meet up and cross creating the optic chaism. Nerves cross over and become the optic tract of nerves- this is where 2 different pathways can be taken: optic tract can lead to the thalamus where it becomes the lateral geniculate nucleus (lgn).