KINE 3020 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Posterior Parietal Cortex, Visual Cortex, Frontal Lobe

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Motor control is the study of postures and movements and the mechanisms that underlie them. Motor control and movement interact to execute activities. Organization principles of the brain: 1) localization of function- certain things happen in certain places. 3) topographic representation- brain is mapped in orderly fashion. Nervous system has central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Cns consists of brain and spinal cord while pns consists of peripheral nerves and ganglia(group of neuron cell bodies outside spinal column), nerve in spinal cord are called nucleus. Cns and pns are separated anatomically but they are functionally interconnected. Pns subdivided into somatic and autonomic systems. Somatic system sends info to/from the cns about muscles and limb position and the external environment. Autonomic system is the motor system for viscera, smooth muscle, and exocrine glands. Autonomic is further divided into sympathetic- fight or flight responses and parasympathetic- rest and digest/homeostasis system. Brainstem controls heart rate, breathing, all the necessary functions for survival.