KINE 3000 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Strength Training, Free Throw, Ageism

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Reasons why you do things you do. Personal, cognitive, environmental factor coexist to influence motivation. Was it simple enjoyment or personal success driven. Behavior approaches: understanding motivation focus on conditioning/learning from environment. Watson + skinner believed learning determine action not only personality and free will. Basic features include operant conditioning, vicarious conditioning, operant strategies. Operant condition: associate behavior with consequence learned through coincidental reinforcement/punishment following specific behavior. Positive reinforcement increase behavior, negative reinforcement is removal of factor that increase behavior (criticism, aversive) Vicarious conditioning results from observation of others. We ma observe other and assume changes which we want as well. Operant strategies like self-monitoring are effective for self-maintaining skills. Cognitive approaches: emphasized role of though patterns + cognitive habits. Approach the individual as active participant to interpret their external environment which exerts powerful influence on individual. Basic automatic thought process, cognitive errors, core beliefs can be altered w/continued persistence.