KINE 3000 Midterm: Exam Note 6 - Exercise and Body Image

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Document Summary

Consists of 4 dimentions: perceptual, cognitive, emotional. How you see yourself not reality (fat/skinny) What you think about your body appearance (ugly/nice) and function. How you feel about your body sad, ashamed: behavioural. What your behaviours are in response to your body- wearing black, loose clothing, dieting, sucking in etc. Impacts quality of life you may develop mental or emotional issues related to your perception of your body. Impacts health you may think you"re over weight and diet to the extremes which is not healthy. Antecedent of anxiety and depression can lead to mental issues. Can increase anxiety and depression in pre diagnosed individuals. Health damaging smoking, unhealthy dieting, eating disorders. Health promoting physical exercise, healthy eating, positive dieting and exercise programs. Motivation provides a reason to exercise and become healthy. Demotivation ashamed of body and therefore not going to exercise, worried about appearance and what others will think. Change in objective physical fitness have a will to exercise.