KINE 2050 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Pencil, Scantron Corporation, Frequency Distribution

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Kine 2050 3. 0 analysis of data in kinesiology 1. This exam is worth 20% of the total course mark and you have 45 minutes to complete it. There are 25 questions: record your name and student number on the scantron sheet provided. Ensure that your student number is correctly filled in. Failure to do so will result in a loss of 2 marks: answer all questions on the scantron sheet. Failure to submit both will result in a grade of zero [0]. Exam aids: calculators without alphanumeric programmable memories and statistical functions may be used, this is a closed book exam and no additional aids are permitted. This includes formula sheets, memory aids, notes, and electronic devices like computers, cell phones, smart watches etc: dictionaries are not permitted, 16 vehicles randomly selected from an assembly line were found to have a mean of. 21 defects with a standard deviation of 5.